How Group Retreats in Rural Coliving Can Transform Your Team

In today’s fast-paced world, the idea of escaping to a tranquil, rural setting is more appealing than ever. Rural destinations are just the place to relax and reconnect with yourself, with others, and of course, with the gorgeous natural surroundings. Whether you're organizing a team-building retreat, a creative workshop, or a wellness getaway, rural coliving environments provide the perfect backdrop for rejuvenation and collaboration. Keep reading to discover why group retreats in rural coliving settings make so much sense—plus all the ways rural life can bring your group closer together.

The Allure of Team Retreats in Rural Areas

What’s so great about rural settings is that they offer a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of urban spaces. The serene countryside is a welcome change from the noise of city life—allowing retreat participants to disconnect from their everyday routines (and enjoy more time in the company of others).

Better still, the natural beauty of rural areas creates a calming atmosphere that not only improves focus, but creativity and well-being, too. After all, who wouldn’t be awed and inspired by the rolling hills, lush forests, and tranquil lakes you find outside the cityscape.

The Benefits of Rural Coliving Team Retreats

Team retreats hosted at rural coliving spaces provide a unique opportunity to blend productivity with relaxation, imagination, and connection. 

That’s because rural coliving combines the best aspects of communal living and rural charm. In these settings, groups live together in quaint, rustic accommodations. This setup creates a real sense of belonging, as colivers share quality time making meals, engaging in conversation, and working alongside one another in a tranquil, supportive environment. 

Rural coliving spaces are designed to be both functional and cozy, providing all the amenities needed for a successful retreat (while also staying close to nature). Other benefits of countryside coliving retreats include:

Enhanced focus and creativity

A big advantage with rural retreats is the chance to escape the typical distractions of daily life. Without the constant interruptions from emails and social media, participants can focus more on what’s in front of them—whether that’s brainstorming new ideas or taking part in creative workshops. The natural surroundings are also bound to inspire creativity, as they offer a fresh perspective that might not emerge in a more traditional retreat setting.

Strengthened team bonds

Offsite group retreats can really strengthen relationships and build trust among participants. Why? Because rural coliving spaces encourage communal living and shared experiences, which helps break down barriers and build camaraderie. 

Activities like cooking together, organizing group exercises, and exploring the local area can help participants bond on a more personal level—leading to improved teamwork and communication when everyone returns to their regular routines.

Improved well-being

The peaceful ambience of a rural coliving retreat can definitely have a positive impact on participants' physical and mental well-being. During a rural retreat, everyone has a chance to unplug from technology, spend time in nature, and engage in mindfulness practices (all of which can reduce stress and invite calm). Many rural coliving spaces even offer wellness amenities such as yoga studios, meditation areas, and/or hiking trails to really boost health and happiness levels.

Unique learning experiences

Many times, rural coliving retreats will provide opportunities for unique, hands-on learning experiences. For example, team members might take part in workshops led by local experts, explore traditional crafts, or learn about sustainable living practices. These one-of-a-kind experiences enrich the retreat as a whole, but they also equip participants with new skills and insights they can incorporate into their daily lives.

How to Plan Successful Team Retreats in Rural Areas

Planning a successful team retreat in a rural area requires careful consideration of logistics as well as the amenities these locations offer. By focusing on the distinct characteristics of rural environments, you can design an unforgettable experience that fosters collaboration and truly rejuvenates your team.

Define your goals

Before you ever begin planning your retreat, it's important to define your goals. For starters, what do you hope to achieve through your nature-based team retreat? Are you focused more on team-building, creative collaboration, or wellness practices? Or maybe, you want to incorporate a combination of all three of these? Understanding your core objectives can help you choose the right rural coliving space and come up with an itinerary that aligns with your goals.

Select the right location

As you think about what you want your rural coliving getaway to look like, ask yourself if the location meets the needs of your group. More specifically, when selecting a rural coliving space you should consider the following factors:

  • Accessibility: Ensure the location is accessible to all participants. While rural areas offer tranquility, they should still be reachable by car or other transportation options.
  • Amenities: Look for spaces that provide the amenities you need, like meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and comfortable accommodations.
  • Activities: Check if the location offers activities that match your retreat goals—AKA hiking excursions, yoga classes, or local tours of the area.

While you might not find a remote rural retreat location that checks *all* your boxes, you can likely find a space that offers two or more of your must-have amenities.

Schedule your itinerary

There’s no doubt a well-structured itinerary is the key to a successful retreat. That said, try to include a mix of activities that support your different goals, like:

  • Workshops and sessions: Plan sessions that address your retreat's objectives, whether that's team-building exercises, creative brainstorming, or wellness workshops.
  • Group activities: Opt for rural retreat team activities that encourage bonding and collaboration (think: group meals, team challenges, and outdoor adventures).
  • Downtime: Allow plenty of time for relaxation and personal reflection. Downtime is essential for helping people recharge and absorbing the overall retreat experience.

It’ll take a bit of effort, but creating a thoughtful itinerary ensures everyone in your group has the best retreat possible and maximizes their time together.

Embrace the local culture

One of the greatest joys of team building in the countryside is that your group can immerse themselves in the local culture. Rural coliving retreats are the prime time to interact with the community, taste local cuisines, and learn more about traditions and customs. The best part? Embracing the local culture not only elevates the value of the retreat, but it creates a more authentic (and memorable) experience for every member of your group.

4 Types of Offsite Team Retreats in a Rural Setting

Relaxing team retreats can look a lot of different ways. Meaning, there are tons of options for what kind of retreat you can host or what theme you hone in on. Here are four of the most popular offsite team retreats to organize at a rural coliving.

1. Creative writing retreats

Imagine a group of writers gathering in a sprawling countryside house with panoramic views of rolling hills. Nice, right? A rural coliving is the perfect place for tapping into creativity—with ample time remaining for writing, group discussions, and inspirational nature walks. The workshops can be held in a dedicated space designed to foster creativity and focus, while the rest of the retreat can happen in common areas (and the great outdoors).

2. Wellness retreats

A wellness retreat in a rural coliving will likely have a diverse itinerary, including daily yoga and meditation sessions, healthy meals prepared with local ingredients, and plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities like hiking or swimming. The calming beauty of the rural landscape also supports relaxation and rejuvenation, creating a holistic experience for all your participants. 

3. Team building retreats

For corporate teams, a rural coliving retreat can accommodate team-building exercises, strategy sessions, think tanks, or similar team engagement activities. This peaceful space invites people to open their minds and look at things from a new perspective. Better yet, the focus on communication and collaboration—combined with the comfortable atmosphere—helps strengthen team dynamics and improve performance once you head back to the office.

4. Eco-friendly workshops

Anyone interested in sustainability might like to join a retreat on eco-friendly living. Because rural colivings tend to embrace sustainable practices, these retreats could include workshops on permaculture, renewable energy, and sustainable living skills. Engaging with the local flora and fauna and learning from experts can provide lots of valuable insights into living more mindfully.

Make the Most of Your Team Retreat at Ruralco

Ruralco, located near Culla, Spain, offers the perfect blend of tranquility and inspiration for hosting your next workshop or retreat. Its serene setting allows for deep focus and collaboration, while the charming accommodations provide comfort and a sense of community

The picturesque surroundings and rich local culture further enhance the experience, making it an unforgettable destination for team retreats. By choosing Ruralco, you're investing in an environment that nurtures creativity and strengthens team bonds.

Whether you want to host a rural yoga getaway or an executive team retreat, Ruralco is ready to help you make it happen. The laid-back, natural setting at Ruralco provides a beautiful backdrop for achieving your retreat goals—from team-building to personal growth and nearly anything in between.

Group Retreats in Rural Coliving FAQs

Learn more about team retreats in rural areas with the help of our FAQ section.

What are the benefits of hosting group retreats in rural coliving spaces?

Rural colivings have a naturally calming environment that invites open communication and collaboration among team members. The shared living spaces and peaceful surroundings promote stronger bonds, boost creativity, and build trust within the larger group.

How do rural coliving spaces compare to traditional retreat venues?

Rural colivings provide a cozy, home-like atmosphere that encourages genuine interaction and relaxation, unlike the often impersonal feel of traditional retreat venues. Plus, the integration of nature allows for meaningful connections and insights, enhancing the overall retreat experience.

What should you consider when planning a group retreat in a rural coliving?

When planning a rural coliving team retreat, you should evaluate the location for necessary amenities and ensure it suits the needs (and goals) of all participants. It's important to create a balanced itinerary, consider accessibility, and accommodate any dietary or lodging requirements for those in attendance.